Thursday, August 03, 2006

Floyd's Fate - B Testing is Underway

The testing of Floyd's B sample got underway on Thursday (Aug 3). According to, representatives of US Anti-Doping Agency and the UCI as well as Jose Maria Buxeda, Landis' Spanish attorney, were present.

Floyd should know the fate of his B sample on Saturday. I must say that with all of the information that has made its way out, I'm not too optimistic. Goodluck Floyd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since Floyd's webpage isn't accepting comments I will list my two-one hundreths here.

This is an unfortunate incident of which no good will come. This is pure cannabalisation from the cycling world. It matters not to me whether Floyd is found guilty of anything. Cleansing the sport of doping is like a UFO siting. So many believe they are out there but the crop circles still don't prove anything or answer whether other life forms exist..they just fuel speculation and raise more questions. The cycling world itself doesn't even know what doping is. Facts, figures and rules aside. The truth of the matter is that winning the TDF is a lot of things including a dose of a little luck. The man still bested the others in cyclings greatest test..and I couldn't be convinced on any level that testosterone doping (for whatever its benefits) could be the margin of victory. For a few self-righteous people to claim this will purify the sport is foolish. I find it a little self serving for LeMond to comment on his hopes that "Floyd will do the right thing and make a confession for all of cycling". Based on his published comments, it's almost as if his open suggestions that Lance doped all those years will finally be proven justified by the crucifiction of Floyd Landis...and americans now sleepy after a hefty meal of 7 years of back to back TDF victories will not care so much that this year's win is taken away amidst scandal. After all we have had the maillot jaune for a long time now...I could imagine any number of situations where things could turn out much differently...with Floyd receiving support rather than being prematurely shamed. Let's say this was americas first TDF win rather than the 11th ..or maybe Greg's fifth win (that didn't happen)rather than his third..or Lances' sixth win. I could go on but I won't. My parting shot would simply be that if any good is to come from this the rules of the game need to be better defined and discovered before moving forward with the hangings. Considering the cost to cycling, testing has to be more "sure footed" than it is now where folks can at least agree on some things.

I wonder if the Romans ever questioned Tercius methods and whether he was doping when he took Carthage.
