Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Training (part 8) - I'm back.

I just realized exactly how long it had been since I last posted. I suck! Sorry guys.

Thanks to those that commented about reading the blog. I hope that you keep coming back and I'll try to get back into the posting groove.

My riding has been pretty inconsistent since my last training post on Dec 19. But I have put in some decent rides. 4 rides over 30 miles and 1 over 50 miles. I came down with the stomach bug just before Christmas, that was nice. And last week I wasn't feeling very well. I hope that I can stay health enough to get back into some consistent training.

Compared to last year, I am way behind on my base miles. And I can really tell a difference on the climbs. At this point I should be stepping up the intensity of my training with some interval work. But with my lack of miles I think that I'm going to hold off for a few more weeks. The weather is supposed to be decent the rest of this week so hopefully I can get in some quality miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure will be sorry to see you leave the area. You are strong, consistent rider, and one who is very knowledgable about bikes, training, and esp. the technical ins and outs of biking. We'll miss you on our rides and hope you find hald as good a group up in Pittsburgh! -- the pastor