Monday, December 04, 2006

My Training (part 4) - getting back in the groove

I suck as a blogger, I know. I've been neglecting my blogging duties. I'll try get back on track with it along with my training.

Yes, I'm actually training.... I think. I believe that I am finally over my sinus infection from Hell. And hopefully the antibiotics are working there way out of my system after killing all the bad stuff that was dragging me down. So...I can FINALLY get back to training. I was off the bike for what seems like forever. Not training along with being sick seems to have really hit my fitness.

But never fear, I'm putting that behind me and working on my training plan (and training) for the upcoming season. I did a group ride a week ago this past Saturday. I rode from home to the shop to meet up with the group. My total ended up around 50 miles. It was a pretty large group for this time of the year, about 15. Also, the pace was a bit too much for this time of the year. I was still feeling the effects of being sick and toward the end decided to drop off the pace. It wasn't exacly tempo/endurance pace.

Since then I've got in a 35 and two 25 mile endurance rides. And today around 10 miles because it was freakin' freezing out (Temperature 27.0 F (-2.8 C), Windchill 19 F (-7 C)). I'm usually not this much of a cold weather wuss but it will take a bit to get reacclimated to this crap.

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